325.648.3026 (Office)
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Please contact the office to arrange a meeting with Pastor Brock. He welcomes everyone and sets aside time each week for meetings on Mondays and Thursdays.

A word from Senior Pastor, Rev. Brock Bomkamp

Hey Church Family!

The days are getting longer, and summer is growing shorter, but our time to praise God is ever-present. First, I want to thank you for allowing me some time away from the pulpit. I used those extra hours to spend much-needed, agenda-less time with God and to prepare for the upcoming 24-25 school year with Him. I am excited to return to the pulpit, energized and ready to pursue God together.

Thank you also for filling out our church discipleship survey. Our Sunday Experience Team and I are reviewing all the feedback. We will make some small adjustments to worship and welcome further input. While we value your feedback, please remember that our goal is not to meet each person's personal preference but to help our church worship in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24)

As we reflect on the recent VBS, I am amazed at our God and our Church. God is so good, and He so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son (John 3:16). So that we have the privilege of sharing this news with our young neighbors. This year's VBS revived my spirit in my calling as a pastor and in my identity as His son.

We have all been given a higher identity; God calls each one of us to be His sons and daughters and, even higher, He calls us together as a holy priesthood. This month, we will dive into the idea of this royal priesthood. (1 Peter 2:9) Our new sermon series, "Living Set Apart: Embracing Our Royal Identity," is a five-week journey designed to help us understand and live out our identity in Christ. We will explore what it means to be a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation, and how this identity should transform every aspect of our lives. From overcoming spiritual apathy to living holy lives in a secular
world, and from practicing forgiveness to building a Christ-centered community, each sermon will provide practical steps to apply biblical principles. Our goal is to move beyond mere church attendance to a vibrant, active faith that visibly impacts our community, embodying the calling to be set apart and dedicated to God's Kingdom.

I have set a goal for myself to finish the Tour of Dream by August 14th. If I have not reached out to you to set up a time to meet, I will in the next couple of weeks. If you would like, you can call me, and we will set a time to get to know each other better. So far, the tour has been amazing, and I have loved meeting with each family unit of the church. I look forward to meeting with each and every one of you.

This past weekend, a few leaders and I spent Friday and Saturday in San Angelo at an International Leadership Institute training. While the training was intense, it was very formative, and we look forward to bringing this training back to our church as we seek to be disciples that make disciples in accordance with the Great Commission. My one-sentence takeaway: "Sight your Source!" As Christians, we are called to go and serve people and meet their needs, but we have a source for that call, and many times we forget to mention "why" we are serving. So, go in peace and serve the Lord, sharing His story with all you serve.

Love God, Love People,
Pastor Brock