Lay Leader

A message from Suzanne Smith, Lay Leader

There are several important initiatives being contemplated or planned that have the potential to touch each of us as members of the First Methodist Church of Goldthwaite family. Please know that everything currently being discerned and discussed concerning potential changes in the way church governance is administered, the Sunday morning service flow, our
community outreach activities, and more, is being considered solely to make things function better and to work more efficiently with the resources available to us. Individual parishioner input and opinion is, and will always be, welcome and critically important, so don't be bashful and let the church leadership know what you think. Specific proposals are yet a little
way off, but everyone will have a chance to review and comment and we welcome your input.

My family recently completed a three-week driving vacation towards points west of Goldthwaite. From the Grand Canyon, Kings River white water rafting, the giant Sequoias, to Bryce Canyon we were filled with the majesty, wonder, and imagery of God's creation. Yet my most enduring image of our entire adventure was not cast until our last day when departing Gallup, NM for home.

I don't believe in coincidences, but rather in God-incidences. The gas station we planned to use first thing in the morning was not yet open, forcing us to an alternative where a young lady wandered by in the predawn light as I was attending the pump. Knowing she was about to ask for money I began my reply before her request was fully made. She continued past, parked her jury-rigged bicycle, and slumped against the wall of the gas station and slid to the concrete and was still. I thought about the words we utter before meals praying "Bless O Lord this food for our use, and us to thy service, keep us ever mindful of the needs of others, in Jesus' name, Amen. Keep us ever mindful of the needs of others! I jammed a fist into my trouser pocket to discover the cash reserves characteristic of the last day of a long vacation, couple of ones, and low and behold, my last $20 bill. I folded it and walked towards her, she did not raise her head or look my way. When beside her I extended the bill which she gently took from my grasp. I placed my hand on the back of her head, covered with a knit cap and hoodie against the New Mexico early morning chill, and said in what was intended as a kindly voice "get the help you need sweetheart." She said nothing but as she met my glance long streams of tears covered her very young face – crying for most of the interval since I rebuked her a few minutes earlier, I'd wager.

I could have, and surely should have, done more. She needed a hand up and at the time I thought only of my unsuspecting family in the truck and getting started for home as soon as possible. In the days since the very few moments described here, I have prayed for her safety and welfare - to lamely atone for my lack of action.

Matthew 37-40: Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you? Or thirsty, and gave you drink? When did we see a stranger, and take them in? Or naked, and clothed them? Or when did we see you sick, or in prison, and come to visit you? And the King shall answer and say unto them, verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

There are many among us who know desperation beyond our experience or understanding. Thus, my most enduring image of our three-week vista-filled adventure is of tears on the cheeks of a young woman in Gallup. Dear God keep us ever mindful of the needs of others.